The Zero Point Green Laser Pointer has Human Blueprint Frequencies infused into the light that match the frequencies found in various organs and systems in the body. These vibrations or frequencies help bring the body into balance and helps to boost the immune system so the body can heal itself.
Science now understands that all things have energy and all things vibrate at their own frequency level. Vibranz (Zeropoint Global’s) Science Team has discovered the frequencies that various organs and systems in the human body vibrate at and have matched these frequencies with minerals of the earth that share the same frequency.
These mineral frequencies are infused into the lens of the zero point green laser using a Quantum Field Programming Generator. As the cold laser moves through the lens the information of these mineral frequencies are delivered into the body.
The organs and systems of the body begin to resonate with the mineral frequencies delivered from the light and return to the vibrational frequency of it’s original state of health.

The Zero Point Green Laser Has Many Uses
The primary purpose of the Vibranz by ZeroPoint Global Green Laser is to bring into balance organs and systems in the body, but there any many other uses for the zero point green laser. You can apply the laser to any food or drink for 30 seconds, which will improve the nutritional value because you are delivering information to the food or drink that matches the needs of the human body.
Where You Should Apply The Green Laser For Optimum Health
To get the most out of the green laser for bringing into balance vital systems and organs, there are 4 focal points of the human body that will improve the efficacy of this information.
The Brain Stem, Third Eye (Middle of the Forehead), Navel, and the Wrist.
Zero Point Green NaturaLaser Uses:
- Point directly at an area of the body for three minutes to reduce discomfort and bring that area into balance.
- Point directly into drinks and food for approximately 30 seconds to energize.
Zero Point Green Laser Application Chart
Use the chart below for referencing what particular focal point brings specific organs and systems into balance. Shine the Zero Point Green NaturaLaser at the specified area for 1 to 2 minutes. You can do this three to four times daily.
What Green Laser Users Are Saying:
“One of my favorite Vibranz tools is the Green NaturaLaser. It has a very profound effect on the body; it addresses organs and body systems through the meridians or pressure points. Over the past 10 years doctors have tried to get me to take blood pressure medication-they keep calling my blood pressure borderline and much to their dismay, I’ve been refusing. Last May my Chiropractor suggested I start using the Green NaturaLaser on the 9 heart meridians on my left arm. My acupuncturist suggested that I add two large intestine meridians and 2 liver meridians. So I used the Green NaturaLaser on each of these points for 30 seconds each three times a day and that’s all it took to see a positive change in my blood pressure within 10 days. In August I had my annual physical and my doctor called my blood pressure ‘perfect’. The meridians are HT for heart (1-9); LI for large intestine (4); LR for liver (3). Just want to say “thank you” Vibranz for keeping me chemical free.” — Ted, NJ
“I have had good results with ear infections. I was at my son’s house over Thanksgiving and one of the neighbor’s boys had an ear infection which the Chiropractor said it was milk allergies so they took him off milk for several days. He was better but she wanted me to test him and his ear was still testing weak. I loaned her a Green Laser to use for the weekend. She shined it in his ear for one minute twice a day for 3 days and brought it back. When I retested the boy, his ear was really strong.” — Marva, FL
How Frequencies Benefit The Human Body
It has been discovered that the cells in the body vibrate at various frequencies depending on their state of health. Vibranz by ZeroPoint Global has identified specific frequencies that match the optimum state of health for each of the body’s organs and systems. These are called Blueprint Frequencies.
When you hold the Zero Point Green Laser on the area of pain, your body begins to ‘resonate with the frequencies’ that are programmed in the laser. This is similar to a tuning fork that will pick up the frequency (sound) of another tuning fork in its vicinity. When they are close to one another, they will both begin to ‘resonate at the same frequency’.
When the organs and systems of the body are attuned with the frequencies that are in the Green Laser, the body returns to a balanced state. The body is able to protect and heal itself when it is in a state of perfect balance.
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Results may vary from person to person based on the imbalance. This information has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to treat disease, support human life, or to prevent impairment of human health; for frequency, self-education and research purposes only. Please seek professional help with health issues.