The Zero Point Red Laser Pointer has Human Blueprint Frequencies that match various frequencies in the human body. Taking the vibrational frequencies from minerals that match frequencies found in the body, this information can be delivered using light.
Light is the most efficient carriers of energy ever harnessed. It’s why fiber optic wire was chosen for the world’s most critical communications platforms, sending pulses of information-laden light around the world in milliseconds.
Many Chiropractors are using this exact laser for treatments instead of physical adjustments for back alignment on their patients. The cold laser has 42 Muscle Parasympathetic System frequencies and when applied to the back muscles, the light carrying these frequencies restores balance in the muscles. When the back muscles are in balance they become relaxed which helps align the spine of the back. There’s no trauma on the vertabrae with this type of treatment and the back stays in alignment much longer.

How Does The Red Laser Work?
The Zero Point Red Laser works through a process Vibranz by ZeroPoint Global calls Biophotonicmodulation. Every eukaryotic cell in an animal’s body has one or many thousand cellular power plants called the mitochondrion. These mitochondria are responsible for providing most of the required ATP for cells. ATP is the chemical responsible for energy release within cells that drives a multitude of cellular and physiological functions including those directly related to injury repair and pain relief.
When a cell is damaged through injury or trauma, the mitochondrion, figuratively speaking, curls up like a hedgehog. Once this happens, the production of ATP is drastically reduced, or even ceased. As a result, the rate of healing slows dramatically. Cells exposed to the Red NaturaLaser light causes the mitochondrion to spring into action almost immediately producing increased amounts of ADP. The ADP then links with free oxygen singlets to produce ATP. Red Laser light increases the production of ATP in damaged or resting mitochondria.
Zero Point Red Laser Benefits:
- Discomfort reduction
- Relieve headaches
- Reduce muscle discomfort
- Body alignment
- Enhances hydration
- Mediate menstrual cramps
- Reduce Swelling
- Assists bone healing
- Release tight muscles
- Alleviate dental issues — teeth or gums
- Assists body detoxification
- Facilitate nerve regeneration
- Enhanced lymphatic drainage
- Myofacial pain reduction
- Alleviate neuropathy
- Strengthen immune system response
- Assists body detoxification
- Enhances hydration
- Changes the polarity of food/beverages to be more absorbable
Zero Point Red Laser Uses:
Many professionals such as Chiropractors, Veterinarians, Sports Medicine doctors and pain centers are now using Laser technology to treat their clients and patients.
- ACUPUNCTURE MERIDIAN OPENING: Shine the Zero Point Global Red Laser at tips of each finger and toe with the red light for several seconds. In addition, place the light on the lower knuckle of each finger to open these meridians to specific organs>
- ADD/ADHD: Run Red NaturaLaser around the ear lobes (auricular points), shine at middle of tongue, shine across the line at base of skull and up along the midline of the head. This can also be useful for autism and other learning and brain dysfunctions.
- ADDICTIONS: Shine the Red NaturaLaser on the edges of the ear, concentrating on the edge of the ear, just
below the top back curve of the ear. Use several times a day while detoxifying. - ASTHMA/BRONCHITIS: Use the Red NaturaLaser on the lungs by pointing it directly on the chest as close to the skin as possible for a few minutes or until relief occurs.
- BACK/SPINE ALIGNMENT: Shine the Red NaturaLaser across tht hips and up and down spine for 1-2 mins. to assist in hip/back alignment.
- BLOOD CLEANSING/ENERGIZING: Shine the Red NaturaLaser 1” below navel for approx. 2 min.
- BRUISES: Shine the NaturaLaser Pointer directly onto the bruise.
- CONSUMABLE SUBSTANCES (Food, Water, etc.): Apply light to any food/beverage for 15-30 seconds to infuse blueprint frequencies.
- EAR INFECTIONS: Shine the Red NaturaLaser around earlobes, on mastoid bone behind ear and on Eustachian tube down into the ear. Also shine into ear canal to work on bacteria or fungus.
- EAR CONING/EAR CANDLING: While coning or candling, run the Red NaturaLaser along all ear points and Eustachian tube and back of the ear. Seems to allow ear to release more wax and yeast.
- GUMS: FOR RECEDING OR BLEEDING GUMS: Shine the NaturaLaser Pointer on area of concern for a couple of minutes a day.
- HEADACHES: Point/move light across the neck at the base of the skull and from the top of the neck up the middle of the head to the crown and down.
- HYPOTHALAMUS/PITUITARY STIMULATION: Shine the Red NaturaLaser onto the middle bottom of the large toes.
- INJURY: Shine the Red NaturaLaser to assist with closing of wounds and reduction of bruising on injured body parts.
- ITCHING: Point/move light at and around affected area.
- JET LAG: When arriving, use the RedNaturaLaser on the back of the knees.
- LIBIDO BALANCING: Concentrate the Red NaturaLaser on the upper area of the ear particularly the top back curve of the ear and on the inside of the ankles.
- MENSTRUAL CRAMPS: Point/move light around the inside of the ankles.
- MUSCLE PAIN: Point/move light across and around affected area.
- NAUSEA/SEASICKNESS: Use the Red NaturaLaser on the auricular points as well as the finger tips and the web between the thumb and forefinger on both hands.
- SEDATION POINT: Shine the NaturaLaser Pointer on the area between the nose and top of lip.
- SINUS ISSUES/INFECTION: (Avoid eye contact) Use the Red NaturaLaser on third eye area in the middle of the forehead and beneath the nose in the dips of skin at the bottom side of the nostrils.
- SKIN DISORDERS: Point/move light directly onto the area of concern.
- STOMACH PAIN: Use NaturaLaser Pointer on the area where pain exists.
- THYROID IMBALANCE: FOR HYPOTHYROID/HYPERTHYROID ISSUES: NaturaLaser Pointer can be pointed directly at the hollow.
- TOOTH PAIN: Point at tooth and move over gum area or point through cheek at affected area.
- TOXIC MATERIALS EXPOSURE: If already exposed, use the Red NaturaLaser on the following areas: side of nostrils, auricular points, base of head, across the middle to the top of the head to reset your body.
- WOUNDS: Point/move light on and around the wound.
- PETS: The Red NaturaLaser increases cellular regeneration without any tissue damage. Produces healing benefits to treated tissue and has been shown in studies to increase healing by as much as 3x faster than conventional treatment procedures.
What Users Are Saying About The Red Natural Laser Pointer
NaturaLaser and Blood Microscopy
“A few weeks ago we tested people’s blood with live blood microscopy, a method where a drop of blood is placed directly under a dark field microscope. The test gives immediate insights on the quality of the blood and the overall health of the person.
The results below show my husbands blood before and 5 minutes after having one sip of water lasered for only 10 seconds with the ZeroPoint NaturaLaser. The blood cleared up completely from sticky, oval-shaped, doughnut looking red blood cells with lots of debris in the serum to nice round red blood cells in a clean serum. We have worked with high quality food supplements for many years, but have never seen such a dramatic change in such short time.
Before: Live blood microscopy of a 51 year old male with no major health issues. No supplements were taken for 24 hours before the test. Results show some sticky blood cells, some doughnut-shaped cells (yeast from sugar), some misshapen cells, and some debris in the serum next to white blood cells.
After: Live blood microscopy of the same 51 year old male 5 minutes after drinking one sip of a glass of water which was lasered for 10 seconds with a ZeroPoint NaturaLaser. Results show perfect quality red blood cells and perfectly clean blood serum. AMAZING !!! “
– Faye B./Institute of Feng Shui, ME
Red Naturalaser and Mole
“I would like to testify to something I have had on my face for years. I have had a “mole” on the left-side of my chin for about 30 years. and it was always in the way whenever I shaved. Several times I have cut it open with my razor. Well, I decide to use the laser on it twice a day for five days straight; I was astounded when at the end of the five days the mole that was about 5mm had shrunk down to half its size! And to this day, I am still using the laser on it and it is slowly shrinking.” – Dr. John M., FL

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Results may vary from person to person based on the imbalance. This information has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to treat disease, support human life, or to prevent impairment of human health; for frequency, self-education and research purposes only. Please seek professional help with health issues.